What will the CMONV look like?

It will have have play spaces that allow children to explore community member roles through imaginative play…

Cayton Children’s Museum by Sharewell - Santa Monica, CA

Cayton Children’s Museum by Sharewell - Santa Monica, CA

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Kohl Children’s Museum

Kohl Children’s Museum

Spaces where children can engage in scientific exploration through hands on activities…

Kohl Children’s Museum

Kohl Children’s Museum

Spaces designated for our youngest guests to play safely…

Nevada Discovery Museum

Nevada Discovery Museum

Art areas that involve activities with multiple mediums…

Pittsburgh Children’s Museum

Pittsburgh Children’s Museum

San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum

San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum


An overall welcoming space for English and Spanish speaking families, as well as accommodations for guests with special needs…

Help us shape the details!